Revd. Preb Chris Thorpe


What is your role at St Andrew’s Church and what is it you do?

I am Vicar of three parishes in the Shifnal Benefice. I lead the ministry team, and the church council. My role is to listen to the wider community, to help the church to respond to God’s call to service. It is to help people to discern their gifts and to support them to respond to God. I am called to help shape the vision of the church, and to support every member in their ministry. To teach and encourage people to grow in their faith.

What is the most satisfying part about your involvement at St. Andrew’s?

I love the people aspect of my role, I love to see people grow and develop in their faith.

Best memory from your time here?

Some of my best memories are from the Parish Camps we have done, with people relaxing and sharing together.

Is there a particular chapter or verse from the bible which resonates with you more than any other?

There is a very early creed of the church that speaks of God coming to us in humility. Philippians 2 6-11 Christ Jesus was in the form of God, but he did not cling to equality with God, but emptied himself taking the form of a servant. Being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him, giving him the name above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

What is your biggest passion outside of Church life?

Gardening – growing vegetables and cooking!

Have you got a hidden skill?

Bread making!

Favourite movie / TV series?

Star Trek

Favourite book / author?

J R R Tolkein Lord of the Rings

Favourite music / musician?

City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra

For people who have just moved to Shifnal, what’s the best way to get started in coming to Church?

For those with children, perhaps Messy Church, for those wanting to explore deep questions perhaps HeartSpace or Questions of Faith and Life.

For people who have lived in Shifnal a long time who may have often thought about coming to St. Andrew’s, but either never got around to it or maybe feel a bit daunted in not knowing where to start, what is the best advice to these people?

We are online, so you can dip a toe in by joining an online service and see what we are up to!