Dry January!!

Imagine getting to a wedding and discovering they had opted for Dry January!

That’s what it must have felt like at the wedding in Cana of Galilee when Jesus was invited as a guest. They ran out of wine! What a disaster! In our lives we can sometimes feel like we are running on empty, just running out of energy, patience, time, or hope! What can we do? In those moments we are met by God’s generous, overflowing love, which can make all the difference. Come and find out more!

Baptism of Christ

Can you remember your baptism?

Many won’t be able to because it was when they were babies. But in Jesus time it was adults who were baptised, as a sign of putting the past behind them and making a new start by becoming a Christian. This week we will be thinking about what baptism means for us today. It is Breakfast Church so do come and enjoy some delicious Breakfast from 9am, and worship from 10.30am.

Sally Day's Funeral

We understand that many of you wished to attend Revd. Sally's funeral at St. Andrew's Church but were unable to do so. For those who couldn't join us in person, we live-streamed the service online. If you were unable to watch the live stream, we invite you to view the recording at your convenience. Simply click here to access the recording on our YouTube page, where you can reflect on and honour Sally's life through this heartfelt service.

What will your New Year's Resolution be?

What will your New Year resolutions be this year? What will help you to keep them?

For the first Sunday of the New Year we will be renewing our commitment to God in a Covenant Service. We welcome Revd Roger Dunlop to preach, and Revd Mike Shaw to preside at the Eucharist.